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Have you seen our new website in action? We would love to do a demo for you and your colleagues. We can model a lesson, highlight key features and answer your questions.

For 20 years, Greg Tang has been a lone voice encouraging teachers to focus on fewer, more generalizable concepts, manipulatives, and strategies. Our website reflects his foresight and knowledge and gives teachers the virtual and visual math program they need.

Greg is a math expert and entrepreneur who majored in economics and computer science at Harvard, founded a successful technology company at age 29, and created a website ( that has over million page views to date.

Greg's wife Tammy is one of our country's leading K-12 technologists, and together with their sons Greg Jr and TJ, they have created a powerful, virtual, teaching platform for PK-6 educators

Let’s Zoom and share ideas for what the future of math instruction can be. Click here to join us for a weekly site demo! Subscription

The latest advice from experts? Focus on the “power standards.” The ones that really matter at every grade level. But shouldn’t those BE the standards? At Tang Math, we have always believed "less is more.” And even though we think that’s common sense, we are proud to be decidedly uncommon in our approach to math instruction.

We focus on fewer, more powerful strategies and teaching methods, and mastery of fundamental skills and concepts. We do not think kids should be burdened with additional strategies when they have yet to master critical, benchmark strategies. We believe they need a progression of concrete, pictorial, and abstract models that will help them make sense of underlying concepts, see connections, and generalize their understanding.

Since 2001, Greg Tang has pioneered and refined this approach while doing more than 4,000 workshops, conferences, and school visits. He has transformed countless schools and districts along the way. Now, Greg’s sons have programmed every strategy he has taught, every model he has drawn, and every progression he has developed. Together with Greg, they have carefully designed and coded a ground-breaking set of tools that gives teachers and students a better, more connected understanding of math. is a new, school-wide, subscription website for PK-5 teachers, it is a teaching, modeling, assessment, diagnostic, and differentiation tool all rolled into one. It represents a systematic yet streamlined approach to math instruction that uses visual models to make sense of concepts, and cleverly designed problems, games, and puzzles to generalize concepts and develop fluency.

“It is the only resource I have ever seen rooted in the proper scaffolding and implementation of strategies. I’m willing to scrape together every penny I need to get it.”  Kansas City Principal

Virtual reality. Social distancing this fall on top of lost instructional time last spring means the coming school year will be another challenging one for teachers. With, you can have instant, online access to all of Greg’s teaching methods and materials. Modeling problems in multiple ways – visually and virtually – will be as easy as clicking a mouse.

Do your students need help with operations? We use ten frames to add and subtract single-digit numbers, linking cubes, base 10 blocks, and base 10 discs to subtract multi-digit numbers, and area models and intuitive algorithms to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals. We use Cuisenaire Rods® to teach fractions and number lines, Tangy Tiles™ to teach composite area and volume, and Tangy Tuesday™ and Wordy Wednesday™ puzzles to reason about geometry, measurement, and data.

Do your students need help with word problems? We have programmed all of the major problem types and will continue to add more over time. Our powerful code generates both problems and their step-by-step, visual solutions. Teachers can develop their own skills first, then use our site to teach their students directly – either in person or virtually. With practice, we can all learn to model and master even the most challenging, multi-step problems.

To teach PK-5 math effectively, we believe teachers should start with the most effective manipulatives, pictorial representations, and abstract algorithms. Two of the most important are number bonds and tape diagrams – also called bar models and strip diagrams. They are cornerstones of our curriculum.

In theory, teaching many models and using lots of different manipulatives can have benefits. In practice, however, it can also be confusing to young children and dilute teaching and learning time.

In creating, we stay true to our belief that simple is better and less is more. We limit the number of models and manipulatives we use, teach fewer strategies and algorithms, and apply each one more generally. That’s algebraic thinking.

Digital materials. Our site has been called “miraculous” when it comes to modeling problems visually, intuitively, and at 3 levels of abstraction. All by clicking your mouse. But we don't stop there. We take teaching and learning to an even higher level by making practice as important as learning. Practice is what makes people great at anything. Not just a little practice. A lot of practice.

Our website’s powerful print engine generates incredible, self-scaffolding practice materials – complete with ten frames, number bonds, area models, number lines, tape diagrams, and more. You can choose concrete (C), pictorial (P), or abstract (A) representations, and provide an intuitive bridge from concrete to pictorial (CP) and from pictorial to abstract (PA). That’s 5 levels of abstraction and an unprecedented degree of personalization.

Need even more? Click “Solve 1” and a problem will be modeled and solved for you. It will be drawn clearly and completely – showing exactly the kind of thinking and reasoning we hope to see. Click “Solve All” and you will have an answer key with detailed diagrams and explicit equations for every problem. Need to upload files instead of print paper copies? Click “Print PDF” and you will make a forest somewhere very happy.

PD on demand. All the concepts, models, and problem types on our site have been chosen strategically and specifically. But what about the big picture? How do they all fit together? Would a 30 or 60-minute video that explains how each connects and progresses within and across grade levels be helpful? What if it were taught by a person who has taught more teachers and children in the past 20 years than anyone else, is a NY Times best-selling author, and is the creator of a math website that is used around the world and has over 166 million page views to date?

You are in luck because every school-wide subscription includes 20 hours of recorded PD by Greg Tang. He provides an overview of key concepts, models best practices for developing computational and problem-solving skills, and as an added bonus, models direct, whole class instruction – virtually. World-class PD at your fingertips that’s clear, concise, and coherent. Now that’s comprehensive.

Next step. With the world turned upside down, isn’t now the perfect time to simplify your approach to teaching math? Time to focus on key skills and strategies? Time to use visual models to ensure all kids can learn and enjoy math? Is it time to make virtual your reality?

For the first time, there is a technology that models mathematical thinking and clever reasoning. A technology that helps you refine your own skills, then teach entire lessons virtually from home or digitally at school. A technology that creates highly visual, self-scaffolding print materials, and provides digital PD for every grade level.

What’s the technology? It’s – available as a school-wide subscription for PK-5 buildings. It’s idealistic. It’s eye opening. It’s iconic. Click to get started. Seeing is believing!

A new & virtual reality.

Every week, more and more districts have announced they are starting school online or giving students the option of learning virtually from home. To be ready, schools need to prepare in 3 important ways.

Less is more. With social distancing, teachers will have less, direct, instructional time with their students. Many will already be behind as a result of school closings this past spring. Schools will need to cut their curriculums by a third, and focus on major standards and the most essential skills and strategies.

Embrace technology. Teachers will need virtual tools and manipulatives. They will also need to create and upload visual materials that are not just filled with abstract equations. Effective instruction has always required concrete, pictorial, and abstract (C-P-A) models. That has not changed, and in fact, will be more important than ever.

PD on demand. Teachers still need support with math instruction, and will now need help with virtual instruction as well. If there is a silver lining, it's that new technologies make live, virtual PD and on-demand, digital — PD practical. PD can now target specific grade levels and be spread out during the year. Teachers can get the help they need, when they need it.